In 1165 the village of Savennes is already spoken of, then under the name Cevena. Later in 1288 it becomes Sevenna and in 1330 Castrum de Sevenna. In old French dialect this meant forest.

The church is established in the 13th century and the church tower finally  constructed in the 15th century. As of 1165 until the French Revolution in 1789 the church belongs to the abbey of Saint Alyre.

At that time the bridge over the Chavanon was situated next to the village and on the route to Lyon, Clermont and Bordeaux.
A popular avocation of the villagers was robbing the travellers on this route. The rumour goes a complete coach with horses and passengers disappeared between Savennes and Saint-Etienne-aux-Clos. This incident led to the decision to construct highway A89 along Bourg-Lastic and not Savennes…

Currently Savennes is not as vibrant anymore as in the old days. Approximately 112 inhabitants with a (very!) high average age. No worries your car or bike gets stolen. Besides the church and a little chapel there is one main road with some houses, typical French country side. In the village there is a small restaurant with a simple but very tasteful kitchen and moderate prices.